1. Where can I access the Company Data Archive Registration Window?

Logged into Microsoft Dynamics GP, the Company Data Archive Installation and Registration
window can be accessed by going to:
Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > System > Company Data Archive Registration
Administration pane > Utilities > Company Data Archive Registration

2. I am logged into GP, but I am unable to view/access the Company Data Archive Registration Window, why? What permissions do I need to view this window?

Based on your user permissions setting, you may not be able to view the Company Data Archive
Registration window. To access this window, you will need to be one of the following users:

  • sa
  • dynsa
  • user assigned the Power User role
  • user assigned the PA CDA Role
3. Where can I access my Company Data Archive registration keys?

Your Company Data Archive Registration keys can be retrieved either through:
The Profad Registration Portal > Click Here
Directly within Company Data Archive by clicking on the Get Registration info button.
Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > System > Company Data Archive Registration
> Get Registration Info

4. What information do I need to retrieve my Company Data Archive Registration Keys via the registration portal?

You will need the following:

  • the exact GP Site Name registered with Microsoft (From the Home Pane in Microsoft Dynamics
    GP, the GP Site Name can be retrieved by pressing ALT+H and clicking on About Microsoft Dynamics GP)
  • the GP Version the registration key is needed for. For example, to retrieve the Company
    Data Archive Registration Keys compatible with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, GP 2013
    should be selected in the GP Version section on the portal.
  • the exact number of full Microsoft Dynamics GP Users

It is very important that the correct GP Site Name, the GP Version, the number of full GP users
is provided during this process, otherwise, the correct registration keys will not be generated.

5. Will my registration keys from one GP Version work on a different GP Version?

No, your Company Data Archive registration keys from one version of GP will not work on
another Version of GP. The registration keys will work based on the compatible GP Version they
are generated for.

For example, Company Data Archive Registration keys generated for Microsoft Dynamics GP
2013 will only work on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, they will not work on GP 2015 or GP 2016.
Similarly, Company Data Archive Registration keys generated for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016
will only work on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016, they will not work on GP 2015 or GP 2013.

6. Do all users need to be out of the system when entering Company Data Archive registration keys?

No, all users do not need to be out of the system when entering the new registration keys.

7. Are Company Data Archive Registration keys based on the number of full GP Users?

Yes, this is one component used in generating the registration keys. The Company Data Archive
Registration keys are based on:
✓ The GP Site Name
✓ The Microsoft Dynamics GP Version (e.g. GP 2013, GP 2015, GP2016)
✓ The Number of full GP Users

8. We have added some additional full GP users, do we need new registration keys?

The following ranges are used to generate your CDA registration keys:

  • 1 to 10 full GP Users
  • 11 to 30 full GP Users
  • 31 to 60 full GP Users
  • 61+ Users

If the addition of full GP Users causes your full GP Users count to move from one range above
to another (e.g. you previously had 9 full GP users, 3 more full GP users were added, totaling 12
users), you will need new registration keys.

If the addition of full GP Users does not cause your full GP Users count to move from one range
above to another (e.g. you previously had 7 full GP users, 2 more full GP users were added,
totaling 9 users), you will not need new registration keys, your current registration keys will

9. Where can I find my current Company Data Archive registration keys expiration date?

The Company Data Archive Registration Keys expiration date can be found in the enhancement
plan expiration date section of the Company Data Archive Registration Window.

Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > System > Company Data Archive Registration
> Enhancement plan expiration date

10. Can I use my registration keys in more than one company database?

Company Data Archive Registration keys, based on the GP Site name, the number of full GP
Users and the Microsoft Dynamics GP Version, are stored on the Dynamics (system) database.
In this perspective, regardless, of the company database one is logged in, as long as the
Company Data Archive Registration keys entered in the Company Data Archive Registration
window are valid, the keys will work across all companies database under the same GP Site

11. Is there a process to have my Company Data Archive Registration keys updated automatically?

Yes, this process is enabled provided the AEP* fees have been paid to Professional Advantage
prior to the due date, Company Data Archive will automatically update the registration key.
There is nothing more to do.

*AEP or Annual Enhancement Plan, pertains to the ‘Update and Support’ of Company Data Archive or in other words, the Maintenance plan.

How does this automated process work?
7-10 days before the AEP expiration date, provided the client machine has a working internet connection, the system will pull Professional Advantage records to check if fees have been paid.

If yes, then new registration keys are automatically sent and updated. This does not require any action from the end-user. The registration service will continue to search for an updated key (within the 7-10 day period) until the AEP expiration date.

Alternatively, as needed, the registration service can be manually overridden at any time by clicking the “Get Registration Info” button.

12. How can I manually enter my Company Data Archive Registration Keys and expiration date?

The Company Data Archive Registration Keys and expiration date can be manually entered in the Company Data Archive Registration Window, respectively in the Registration Key field and the enhancement plan expiration date field.

Logged in Microsoft Dynamics GP, please go to
Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > System > Company Data Archive
Registration > Enter the Registration Key in the Registration Key Field > Enter the Expiration
Date in the enhancement plan expiration Date field > Click OK

13. I received the following error message after clicking on the “Get Registration Info” Button.

“Professional Advantage registration service has encountered an other error.”
What should I do?

Please contact the registration team at profad@profad.com or +1-877-897-1209
and provide them the following information:
✓ The GP Site Name
✓ The Microsoft Dynamics GP Version (e.g. GP 2013, GP 2015, GP2016)
✓ The Number of full GP users

14. As a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner(VAR), where can I get my Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner’s Company Data Archive Registration Keys?

Please contact the registration team at profad@profad.com or +1-877-897-1209 and provide them the following information:

✓ Your Company Name ( VAR / GP Partner Name)
✓ Your GP Site Name
✓ The Microsoft Dynamics GP Version (e.g. GP 2013, GP 2015, GP2016)
✓ The number of full Microsoft Dynamics GP Users

15. My Registration keys and expiration date are valid, but I am getting a message stating that the keys are invalid. What should I do?

Please contact support by clicking > Professional Advantage Support