Powerful Collection Queries to target specific customers

Powerful Collection Queries to target specific customers

The generated result from a Collections Management query can be accessed a number of ways: through a list, exported to excel, accessed through the Collections Main window, the Query Letters window for mass communicating with the customers, or through the Transfer credit manager window to assign this range of customers to a collector. In addition, the generated result can also be used to assign the range of customers to a collections plan and ran in the Collections Plan Processing window.

Powerful Collection Queries to target specific customers

Build queries based on aging, overdue amounts, broken payment promises and more

A standard query can retrieve customers based on the following (amongst others): the customer’s ID, name, class ID, sales territory, assigned collector, balance due, credit limit, the aging details, the invoice’s document date, due date, the type of notes, the contact date and many more options.

Advanced Queries to find customers with complex requirements

Advanced Queries to find customers with complex requirements

An advanced query can be ran based on the Structured Query Language (SQL) which will retrieve specific customers targeted by your collector(s). Advanced queries were designed for users who want to find customers with complex requirements. Example: Find only customers who have a specific value in a SOP user defined field, or invoices that have a specific item or type of item. With the Standard Collection Query, criteria are bound together by “And” logic (i.e. for a customer to be included, they must pass all the criteria). However, with SQL script and the Advanced Query function, the options are almost endless of how this can be used. Learn more about the Advanced Query function.

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